Conditions for success in early foreign language learning: teaching including intercultural competence

The aforementioned ideas mainly refer to the objectives of FL education at all levels. But what is true of FL learning in general can be applied to primary schools in particular. In the past years, primary teachers have aimed at a certain level of achievement in the basic skills yet no attempts were made toContinua a leggere “Conditions for success in early foreign language learning: teaching including intercultural competence”

Intercultural competence and early foreign language learning

In 1966, the American linguist, Howard Lee Nostrand, stated with regret: “Enlightened language teaching today shows gratifying progress in all its component parts except one: the teaching of the foreign cultural context”. According to him, foreign language learning could never truly succeed unless teachers paid as much attention to the cultural content of learning asContinua a leggere “Intercultural competence and early foreign language learning”